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Flashpoint Chicago a Campus of Columbia College Hollywood. Bachelors of Graphic Design / Interatctive media. Graduation set for this summer 2021.

Previous work:

Manager at Pure Image window cleaning. 2019-2020. Sales associate at Michaels. 2018-2019. Chipotle crew member. 2020-current.


Throughout my time at Flashpoint I completed a lot of projects, a few of them you can find here. Waste Initiative was my first Data Visualizations project and the main focus was to shed light on how big the issue of recycling has become all over the world. Another project I completed while in school was Valiant.Valiant started as a package design project that was inspired by Punk Rock roots. After that I ended up designing an app as well as branding for Valiant.

Skills & Programs:

I have been using the Adobe Creative Suite of programs including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and XD. I also have experience in Premiere & After Effects. I have worked on Illustration projects, Typography, Data Visualizations, Package Design, Web Design, App Design & a few more random projects throughout my years as a student.

Click here to download my full resume.